Let's talk about getting you more customers.
Join me on a FREE
'Get more customers' call
I'd like to invite you to a FREE 30-minute SESSION in which you and I will work on creating a plan that you can use to get more leads and customers.
There's no catch here - I'm doing this to put my best foot forward and prove to you I can help grow your business. (If we can work together beyond that call, then great but really, my sole aim is to help.)
On the call, we'll talk about your goals, your products/service, what's working, what's not, etc. From these 'raw materials', I'll give you a working marketing plan that you can implement plus some ideas about creating quick wins you can do right now.
I've helped hundreds of companies just like yours for over 20 years and so it only takes about 30 minutes to identify quick wins.
At the end, you can take the plan and use it yourself or you can ask me to help you with it. Either way is fine - as I said, my aim is to help you first.
Let's get you winning more business!
160k generated in email marketing
250% increase in sales in 18 months
100k additional revenue generated
593% Return on Advertising Spend
100 New leads per month
63% Increase in annual turnover
Recent Successes
What my clients say
My Approach

My style is proactive and personable and I'm comfortable working one-to-one, in focused or larger groups either in a leading or advisory role.

My consultancy is practical, easily digestible and focused on your business fulfilling its potential. This comes from a 20-year career helping businesses of all sizes generate revenue.

My focus on data analysis and commercial metrics enables my customers to find millions in untapped business.

“Jed brought a new way of thinking and a commercial approach to our activities by using data intelligence we had never used before; we were able to identify prosperous target markets and new opportunities for income generation.
As a result, the Council exceeded its £100k income target and our employees have developed their marketing knowledge and skillset to build on what has been a fantastic 18 months”.
Niki Taylor, Business Development Team Manager (South Staffordshire Council)

“Jed has increased both our leads and sales by 75% in just a few months. He has a keen strategic mind and immediately demonstrated how we could improve our marketing to generate more leads.
Jed also helped us reactivate old prospects and has written successful email marketing campaigns. He’s been a real find!”.
Mitch Lawrence, Managing Director (SKG)

“Jed has been instrumental in growing our business. He was the first consultant who took the time and effort to understand who we were and what we did. That keenness to understand our business immediately paid dividends with significant increases in quotes and sales”.
Mark Benger, Managing Director (Farmsure)

“Jed has been excellent. He gave us a holistic strategy to take the company forward to the next level. His clear thinking in all aspects of business transformation was instrumental in enabling us to make some significant adjustments to our company culture, sales and marketing. He has a structured approach to instigating sales and marketing strategies which have been brilliant”.
Roger Withinshaw, Managing Director (Outsource)
A few of my customers